Aug 6, 2024
A recent workforce survey was carried out by Sporting Insights on the state of the Golf industry workforce. The survey, commissioned and supported by GCMA, R&A, BIGGA, England Golf, Wales Golf, Golf Ireland and Scottish Golf - provides a valuable insight and measure into the health of the workforce across multiple areas.
This information is key to employers, Golfing bodies and employees alike and John Bushell and Erica Healy talk us through the key findings from the report, with the assistance of Kevin Barker - R&A, Tom Brooke - GCMA and Jim Croxton - BIGGA.
A general discussion follows on some of the successes, challenges and opportunities around recruitment and people engagement. Listeners will benefit from viewing the report that accompanies and it can be viewed here
Thanks to all particpants for an informative and thought provoking discussion.