Jan 11, 2022
Great to be back for 2022 and we kick off then year with two interviews.
Following a catch up with Eddie and Leighton, Eddie speaks to Doug Poole, Chief Executive of the UK Golf Federation. The UK Golf federation represent proprietary and commercial minded clubs and driving ranges across the UK
Doug gives us a run down of what's happening at the federation as well as his own time at the helm following an interesting career in the Golf Industry.
Leighton then chats to Andrew Gibbins and Damien Urwin from Your Golf Travel. Like all aspects of the Golf industry, it's been a tough time for Golf Travel, particularly on the International front. Damien tells us why this might change this year, and Andrew who is UK based tells us what's been happening locally. He also delves into what clubs can do to get their share of the UK Golf travel market, especially with the increased travel at home.
Thanks again to our sponsors BRS Golf - www.brsgolf.com